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“Full of wit and humour, The Trick guides the viewer on a journey through modern manners. Think of it as a playful, animated, and knowing chat with the most hippy-dippy friend of yours, and you’ll be halfway there.
A gloriously loose interpretation of the sort of self-help spiritualism that seems so prevalent in certain sections of Los Angeles – where both Nada and Andrea currently live and work – The Trick is as charming as it is tongue-in-cheek.“
-It’s Nice That
Future You is a collection of short fiction and original artwork by Los Angeles-based writer Nada Alic and artist Andrea Nakhla.
A follow up to their 2014 debut, this collection explores the internal landscape of six different characters who are really trying to get this whole life thing right. (Spoiler: they don’t!) Each character constructs their own coping mechanisms against such enduring and universally recognized trauma as: the beginning, middle and end of love. Such mechanisms include activities like: dance, spirituality, nudity, secrets, lucid dreaming and online chatrooms.
At it’s core, Future You is an examination into all of our most tender parts: the parts most often rejected, most readily discarded, most easily substituted for a ¯_(ツ)_/¯ attitude towards life. In almost-painful contrast, all of the characters of Future You share an uninhibited desire to belong, to be loved, and to be seen.
"The new book by L.A.-based artists Nada Alic and Andrea Nakhla is more human than a lot of humans are... In a time of pronounced superficiality, Future You is the deeply human antidote: intimate, intelligent, and beautiful as it traces the strange but painfully familiar thoughts of its characters in their search for connection, love, and meaning." - Nasty Gal Galaxy
Nada has beautifully translated the subtle neurosis we are most all guilty of possessing with a refreshing sense of comic relief. - Live FAST Magazine
Feeling feelings is hard sometimes. Future You gets real about the realest human emotions that come with self-discovery, sexuality, love relationships, and friends. In their second installment, writer Nada Alic and Andrea Nakhla fuse their writing and illustration talents to bring out the beauty and awkward hilarity in the most vulnerable moments. - Westwood Westwood
"To examine Nada Alic and Andrea Nakhla's book of short, illustrated fiction Future You No. 2 is to also take at very least a fleeting glimpse in the mirror (or, if you're me, more of a deep gaze). Characters longing for closeness, exploring their own desires, and questioning their place in the universe — ya know, the light stuff — are well-drawn in their specificity yet totally relatable, mostly through language and illustrations that fluctuate evenly between hilarious and heartbreaking." -Clever LA